Copies of all policies are available free of charge from the school office.

Anti Bullying Policy The Mill updated September 2023

 Attendance-Policy-September 2023

Behaviour Policy The Mill June 2023


BuildingSecurity Policy September 2023

Business Resilience Plan – Sep 2023 

Calculation Policy 2021

Collective Worship policy 2023

Equal Opportunities Policy updated September 2023

esafety policy 2023


Home School Agreement.The Mill

Homework-Policy September 2023

Marking-policy September 2023


Positive-Handling-Policy- amended September 2023

Remote-Learning-Policy-The-Mill updated October 2022

Safeguarding policy The Mill updated September 2023

School Visits Policy September.2023

SMAT-Relationships Education and Health Education Policy

SMAT Equality Statement, Policy and Objectives with Mill Academy addendum

Uniform-Policy- October 22




Copies of SMAT policies are available on the St Marys Academy Trust Website