Please take note of the timings of each year group below. In wet weather pupils will be allowed to enter their classrooms as they arrive after 8.45am. The Key Stage 2 playground is supervised from 8.45am onwards.



This provides our children with 32.5 hours of school over the week.

Punctuality As a school we aim to improve the punctuality of our pupils at school. We will continue working with the Education Welfare Officer and monitoring both the attendance and the punctuality of the pupils. We will be launching a whole school reward system for all pupils that arrive on time every day and this will be displayed in the main entrance of the Key Stage 2 building. Attendance Every minute in the classroom at The Mill Academy is learning time and it is essential that children have good attendance to be able to achieve their full potential. Our school attendance target for this year is 96%. We will be continuing to celebrate our weekly attendance with the pupils and award children for best, most improved and outstanding attendance throughout the year. Registers will be taken as soon as the school day begins. Pupils arriving in school after 8.55 a.m. will be marked late.

Please see the notice below from a recent newsletter explaining the new school day in relation to COVID-19.