Our Governing Body at The Mill Academy

Download our Governor Handbook for an overview of the Governing Body and being a Governor at The Mill Academy.

All schools in England have a Governing Body which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. A key role is to act as a ‘critical friend’: to support, to challenge, to ask questions, ultimately to represent the school community.

Our Chair of Governors is Louise Wylie who can be contacted at l.wylie@smat.org.uk.

The Governing Body works in close partnership with the Headteacher, staff and the Trust. Whilst the Headteacher is, of course, responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governors are involved with such things as staffing, curriculum, school buildings and finance. It ensures the school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives.

Who are we?

The Governing Body consists of:

Acting Headteacher : Kirsty Glyde
Louise Wylie – Chair of Governors, Safeguarding Governor
Sarah Burgess – Parent Governor
Jack Moore – Parent Governor

The Mill Membership


The Mill Academy LGB membership 22-23

The Mill Academy LGB membership

The Mill Academy LGB membership 21-22

The Mill Academy LGB membership-2019

The Mill membership 2017-18


The standard term of office is 4 years. The chair and vice-chair are elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year.

The chair of governors is Louise Wylie, who can be contacted via the school office of directly via e-mail at l.wylie@smat.org.uk.

The Governing Body meets four times each year. Much of the work of the Governing Body is done by committees which meet at least every term (three times a year). Here at The Mill Academy we have the following committees:

Attainment and Performance Committee
Maths and Literacy Committee
EYFS and Safeguarding Committee
Finance and General Committee

A message from the Chair

I am pleased to have been appointed Chair of Governors at The Mill Academy this year and I would like to introduce myself to you.

I am a retired solicitor and have two sons and a daughter who are now all grown up. I have lived in the Barnsley area since my eldest child started in Reception and I still remember in vivid detail all their time at Primary school, including nursery and out of school clubs and I am very aware of how important all these aspects of school are to parents, in addition to the main school classes.

I have been a Trustee of St Mary’s Academy Trust, of which The Mill is part, since 2016 and I have also been a governor at The Mill during this time. I have come to know the school and staff well and I really enjoy visiting the school to see what the children have achieved, what they are working on each term and seeing the commitment of the staff to making sure the children get the best education in a safe and happy atmosphere.

I am looking forward to working with Mrs Chambers, the staff and the members of the governing body to continue to ensure that the school gives all the children every opportunity to benefit from the widest range of opportunities and experiences so that they can achieve their full potential during their time at The Mill Academy.

Would you like to join us?

All governors to a school’s Governing Body must be elected or appointed. If you want to be part of The Mill Academy’s Governing Body please enquire about any vacancies. Contact Louise Wylie, the Chair, at l.wylie@smat.org.uk.or Kirsty Glyde, the Headteacher, at K.Glyde@smat.org.uk


Business Interests

Local Governing Body Attendance Record

Governor Information