At St. Mary’s Academy Trust we aim to provide all of our pupils with a broad and balanced education. We have developed a curriculum which is exciting, engaging and challenging, through which we hope children will grow a passion for education and become life-long learners. We aim to encourage pupils to ask questions and develop inquisitive minds. The introduction of new elements of our curriculum, including our new ‘Computing’ curriculum and Design Technology curriculum, which has been closely linked with Science, are the first stepping stones to your children’s journey to entering the 21st Century workplace.
Our new curriculum provides for greater freedom and flexibility in the school day and allows each teacher to deliver a curriculum which is based on the current needs of their pupils. We believe that it is our duty to provide our pupils with a wide range of memorable experiences, including opportunities for collaborative work, outdoor learning, practical activities and trips. However, we also understand that it is vital for pupils to have the time to practice and apply their basic literacy and mathematics skills throughout their learning. Our children will read novels and books linked to their topics and use their topic work as an inspiration for writing a range of different texts. In a range of subjects, including science, design and technology and geography, pupils will use their mathematic skills to measure, record data and solve problems. Pupils will use their personalised targets in Maths, English and Science throughout their day.
In English our children learn:
– to develop their reading skills through a rigorous early phonics programme
– to develop their reading and listening comprehension skills.
– to develop their understanding of and ability to write a wide range of text types including fiction, poetry and non-fiction texts.
– to develop a secure understanding of grammar and punctuation.
– to develop their ability to understand spelling rules and apply their spelling across the curriculum.
– to develop their handwriting skills with the aim that the majority of children will have a fluent and cursive writing style by Year 3.
– to develop their spoken language skills in order to speak confidently and appropriately in a range of contexts and to a range of audiences.
In Mathematics our children learn:
– to develop a secure understanding of number and place value
– a range of mental and written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
– how to read, write and calculate fractions, decimals and percentages
– to develop their understanding of measurement, including for length, volume, mass and capacity.
– to develop their understanding of geometry, including their understanding of the properties of shapes, position and direction and motion.
– develop their understanding of statistics, including recording and interpreting a range of data through tables, charts and graphs.
– to develop their understanding of ratio and proportion
– to develop their understanding of algebra and equations
In Science our children learn:
– how to work scientifically, including how to observe; find patterns; identify, classify and group; carry out comparative and fair tests; carry out research using primary and secondary sources of information; and how to collect, analyse and present data.
– to develop their knowledge and understanding of biology through the study of plants, animals including humans, habitats, micro-organisms and evolution and inheritance.
– to develop their knowledge and understanding of chemistry through the study of materials, rocks, states of matter and changes of state.
– to develop their knowledge and understanding of physics through the study of seasonal changes, light, forces and magnets, sounds, electricity and earth and space.
In Art and Design our children learn:
– to develop their knowledge of the works of great artists both past and present including painters, architects, sculptures, designers and craft makers.
– to develop a range of artistic skills by working in a range of different mediums, including painting, drawing and sketching, modelling and sculpture.
– to explore different stimulus and use their creativity and imagination to produce pieces of art work of their own choice
In Computing our children learn:
– to develop their understanding of how technology works
– to design, write and debug programs
– to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs
– to understand computer networks including the internet
– to be confident in the use of a range of terminology for computing and programming
– to use a range of technology safely and respectfully
– to develop their understanding of how to use a range of technology to both at home and at school to enhance their learning across the curriculum
In Design and Technology our children learn:
– to design, make and evaluate a range of products which have practical purposes and help solve problems at home, at school, in the local community, in industry and in the wider world.
– to apply their knowledge, skills and understanding from other areas of the curriculum including mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art.
– to develop their understanding of business and commercialism through enterprise.
– to develop their knowledge and skills in cooking and nutrition, including being able to design, create and budget for the cooking of healthy, nutritious savoury meals.
In Geography our children learn:
– about the human and physical geography of their local area, the United Kingdom, Europe, North and South America
to develop their knowledge of key geographical facts including the names and locations of the continents, countries, oceans, seas and capital cities
– to develop and apply a range of geographical and fieldwork skills including reading maps, atlases and globes, using a compass and reading coordinates and carrying our geographical research.
– to use a range of geographical language accurately across the curriculum.
In History our children learn:
In Key Stage 1 about:
– changes within living memory through learning about changes in toys and entertainment over the last 100 years.
– events beyond living memory by learning about the Great Fire of London.
– lives of significant individuals by comparing the lives and explorations of Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong.
– significant historical events, people and places in own locality through learning all about Yorkshire, both past and present.
In Key Stage 2 about:
– the Roman Empire.
– the Vikings and Anglo Saxons.
– the Ancient Egyptians.
– the life and civilisation of Ancient Greece.
– the Mayan civilisation.
– a local history study, exploring the history of mining in Barnsley and Yorkshire
– World War II.
– a chronological understanding of the history of Britain.
In Languages our children learn:
To develop their conversational, reading and writing skills through learning the language of French.
In Music our children learn:
– to play tuned instruments through the Wider Opportunities Music Programme.
– to play a range of percussion instruments.
– to sing, perform, listen to, create, record and evaluate a range of music throughout the curriculum and through discrete music lessons and projects.
– develop their understanding of pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.
In Physical Education our children learn:
– to develop their running, throwing, catching, jumping, balance, agility and coordination.
– to apply a range of skills in different physical disciplines including athletics, dance, gymnastics and team games.
– to swim at least 25 metres unaided.
– to develop their understanding of the rules of a range of games, teamwork and have opportunities to participate in a range of competitive sports.
– to analyse and improve their own performance.